October 4, 2021

R&I sector urges EU institutions to include stakeholders in the co-creation & implementation of ERA

YERUN joined forces with other 15 umbrella organisations to reiterate to the member states and the European Commission the added value of including European R&I stakeholders in the ERA governance system, especially in both its co-creation and implementation.

Click here to download the joint letter!

The R&I stakeholders provide high-quality, collective input from different communities within the R&I system, all of which are necessary to achieve an effective and resilient ERA. Including stakeholders in the development of ERA policies and legislation in a structured and sustained way will help the design and take up of ERA policies.

The signatories of the joint letter strongly welcome and support the proposal of the Slovenian Presidency in the draft Council Conclusions published on 7 September as they appropriately “invite the Commission to guarantee that the ERA Forum will:

  • ensure appropriate representation at its meetings of the following sectors: universities, research and technology organisations, R&I-intensive businesses, individual researchers and innovators, research infrastructures and R&I-funding organisations, […]
  • set up an open online voluntary stakeholder register to increase transparency in the identification of the ERA stakeholders involved in the work of the ERA Forum and its sub- groups.”

Considering the above proposal for ERA stakeholder involvement, the representatives of European R&I organisations commit to coordinating and self-organising by sector as proposed, to ensure effective engagement and structural representation of different perspectives in the ERA governance.

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